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Early Settlers

The early settlers had a hard life with hot summers and long hours. There were venomous snakes, scrub ticks, leeches, mosquitoes and insects of all description to contend with,

There were, however, several compensations

You worked at your own pace and not likely to have stomach ulcers or hypertension Opportunity to observe nature first hand giving a wonderful feeling of freedom.

You were part of the real world The air was fresh and clean

The only pollution was the delightful fragrance of the smoke of eucalypt leaves and twigs of a bill fire

You were insulated from the day to day basis of corporate marketing, greed for money and the insincerity and hypocrisy of politics.

AND you didn’t use heavy chains and big tractors to clear scrub leaving barren land behind.

The trees that were felled were for the settler’s own use

Most important of all was the trust and fellowship that developed with other settlers.

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