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Pair of old spurs (Patrick Stacey)

Pair of Old Spurs. Hanging on a wall in Landsborough museum is a pair of old spurs. The leather straps are eaten with age, yet the rowels (wheel with spikes) are sharp and vicious as ever. Looking at these spurs one wonders what stories they could tell. To me it conjures up a picture in my mind of horsemen riding through trackless bush and ending up around a campfire at nightfall. Many a campfire yam would be told and repeated in one form or another many times. One such story goes something like this:-

“There was this flash bloke who set out from Brisbane to ride through the bush to Maryborough. He rode with a mate. Anyway, they made good progress. Weather was hot. About the third day, getting near Maryborough and coming sundown, they came to a clear creek and decided to dismount for a drink. They were bending over having a drink, when the bloke jerked up suddenly and yelled ‘I’ve been bit by a snake!’

‘Where did it bite you?’ – Asks his mate.

‘On my backside!’

He dropped his pants, and sure enough, there were two bleeding punctures.

‘Hells Bells’ his mate said, ‘I can’t tie it there – and I certainly don’t want to suck it. I’ll just have to cut it and let it bleed’

So he nicked it with his knife. They got on their horses and rode as fast as they could through the bush. As darkness fell they came across a drover’s campfire. The bloke was still all right – a bit sore, but all right. They made him strong black tea with plenty of sugar and told him to walk around the camp fire all night. Don’t go to sleep or you will die.

Not much good everyone staying awake, so they rolled into their swags, while he walked around the fire. Must have been the right treatment, for he was all right in the morning. Though he was pretty tired. Anyway, he recovered.

About a week later, they were riding back to Brisbane, and they came to the same clear stream. They decided to have a drink.

They were both bending over scooping up water with their hands when the flash bloke yelled ‘I’ve been bit again!’

And so he had.

The silly bugger had sat down on the wheel of his goose-necked spur!”

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